Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tick Bite Fever

Well. I got tick bite fever again...... Totally fine.


The Terps said...


What is tick bite fever?

Matthew Kellen said...

Tick bite fever is a virus carried by ticks. Once bitten, it takes 10 days for the symptoms to occur. I had it last Christmas and didn't take antibiotics right away because I thought the symptoms were from fasting or taking Malaria meds. Anyways, I felt the symptoms and knew I had been bitten by a tick about 10 days previous. I got on antibiotics right away and have had a much faster recovery. I know I've been a bit out of touch. I just got internet at the office which provides me with more opportunities to get online. Thanks for continuing to read the blogs buddy. I'll keep you posted on the new relationship status. (I can't believe I've made it two weeks in a relationship and not gone run away!) Remember my e-mail during one summer where I said I thought I was in love at summer camp..... good memories.... ahhhh. I am missing the cold rains of winter in Bellingham. The things that made me miserable are the things I miss the most.

lori said...

Tick bite fever sounds like it has been around since the dawn of time, either as a sickness or a dance. Sorry you got it again, and hope you're better by now!

Um, relationship??