Thursday, January 17, 2008

First Days Of School

It is the first week of school, and the chaos pandemic has hit Amasango. Students from highschool roam around listlessly waiting for uniforms, while security guards try to keep kids in classrooms. The photocopier doesn't work so I am the the bike courier making copies at the other school I work at. I have started working with 3 of my students, but am trying to avoid the mayhem and help out at in the office at the same time. Everyone has kept a level head, and for the most part been civil. I have a love/hate relationship with the education system here. I have the autonomy to do what needs to be done when I think it needs to be done, but on the flipside, others have the same freedom but choose often times to do much less than what needs to be done. There are many reasons for this however. It is impossible to lay a finger on one person, rather, its the whole system. About 20 students came to Grahamstown yesterday from Whitworth (college in my home town). Within a couple hours, I was able to identify a sister in law of a fellow soccer player, a sister of a fellow teacher at Finch Elementary, a friend of a room mate of mine in University, and a close friend of Sarah Jackson (volunteer coming to Grahamstown at the end of the month).

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